The most important and recognized man on earth is Jesus of Nazareth, based on many surveys conducted in various countries. What the results reveal is that people around the globe believe in his death, life, and most of all, his teachings recorded by men inspired by God. In the hearts of mankind, male and female, is the desire to show nonbelievers the Almighty Power of God, referred to Eternity, Knowledge of Truth, and the Universe. In the world today, there is so much chaos to distract us from holding on to our faith. Adorn yourself wearing Christian message t-shirts as a display of what you are in body, mind and spirit.
Omnipotent Words to Transform Your Thinking
What we all can learn from the teachings of Jesus is the Power of the Words of God. In the 1990s, the fashion trend for some Christians was wearing t-shirts and bracelets with the embellish words, “What Would Jesus Do?” It is an important question that all men and women should ask themselves when they face life difficulties and challenges in the world. In your world, you can make a difference walking in faith showing who you are in your new birth. Unbelievers will see your gracefulness when you adorn yourself in the Amazing Grace Kerusso t-shirt and the Lion Cross Christian t-shirt.
“Every thought we think, every feeling we have, every word we speak goes out into the atmosphere to either heal or harm. Let us be healers. Let us be harmless.” ~John R. Price
Graces of the Holy Spirit
Let the Holy Spirit manifest in your daily life of grace in love, peace, joy, gentleness, self-control, and faithfulness, based on the advice of Apostle Paul. He was true to himself of who he was and what he became as a repented man. His testimony of Jesus revealing Himself to him was an influence for him to change his way of thinking and submit to God. Some theologians believe the Holy Spirit or Fruit of the Spirit is the nine graces, six of them listed above. Without grace, it will probably be difficult to influence nonbelievers in believing that you are an authentic regenerated man or woman.
Moses and Apostle Paul are true examples of men on earth who experienced a new birth by transforming their ways of thinking. They became leaders, having huge responsibilities to influence unbelievers and teach true knowledge about how to live. The words that proceed from the tongue have power. Christian t-shirts have the power of words written from scared text to cover your body and reveal what is in your spirit and mind. Jesus showed the world and mankind compassion, love, strength, courage, and boldness in the Word of God.